2014 Unfolded - A year in review.

This was an exciting year for Unfolding Maps! We released it for Processing 2, and upgraded to the new library mechanism so it can be installed from within the IDE, now. In the last year, Unfolding has been downloaded over 5000 times, and a wide span of visualization projects have been created. Find below a selection of one project for each month in 2014. Made with Unfolding.

2014 Unfolded

Jan 2014: London Bike Vis with 25 lines of code

Super small Unfolding example to load real-time data of the Boris Bike scheme. Created for a workshop at the Royal College of Art London.
By Till Nagel, http://unfoldingmaps.org/rca

25 lines of code

Feb 2014: Amsterdam in 1000 runs

Public running routes from RunKeeper in Amsterdam.
By André Boekhorst, http://andreboekhorst.nl/portfolio/amsterdam-1000-runs/

Amsterdam in 1000 runs

Mar 2014: Cab Rides in Berlin

Visualizes taxi trips in Berlin. Uses pickup and drop off locations scraped from a taxi service, and assumed paths from a routing service.
By Jakob Flemming, Jordi Tost, Julian Braun, and Lars Kreuzmann (FH Potsdam), https://incom.org/projekt/4291

Cab Rides in Berlin

Apr 2014: VizBox

A physical platform for interactive data visualization on three-dimensional surfaces.
By Jon Olav Eikenes, http://www.navimationresearch.net/2014/the-vizbox-experiments/


May 2014: Active Thames

A time-lapse video that visualises the growth of London through time.
By Sian Elliott, Kostas Nikolaou, Evangelos Pournaras, and Mahdi Nayebi (CASA UCL) https://activethames.wordpress.com/open-thames/

Active Thames

June 2014: CitiBikeNow

Shows available bike numbers at each bike station for a week in New York City.
By Suhong Seo, http://challenger43.me/projects/citibike-now/


July 2014: Seven Days of Carsharing

Exploring and visualizing the Enjoy carsharing service in Milan.
By Matteo Azzi, Daniele Ciminieri, Tommaso Elli, Emilio Patuzzo, Alessio Sciascia, and Giorgio Uboldi (Density Design Lab), http://labs.densitydesign.org/carsharing/

Seven Days of Carsharing

August 2014: Berlin Car Sharing

Visualizes free floating carsharing systems in Berlin over a day. The animation shows carsharing timelapse during the soccer worldcup semi-final Brazil-Germany.
By Patrick Stotz (Mappable), http://matters.civity.de/index_en.html

Berlin Car Sharing

September 2014: Searching for the Flow of the Tropical City

A video installation animating buses according to their schedule, as small blue and red circles with fading trails, in a sped up 24 hour cycle of a weekday in Central Florida.
By Nathan Selikoff, http://nathanselikoff.com/works/searching-flow-tropical-city

Searching for the FLow of the Tropical City

October 2014: Mapping Stories

Mapping the narratives of urban context. Mapping Stories becomes a way to unfold the richness of spatial experience, to understand how the ingredients of the stories are interrelated, and to comprehend the continuity of spatial experiences.
By Paramita Atmodiwirjo, Yandi Andri Yatmo, and their research group at the Department of Architecture, Universitas Indonesia, http://mapping-stories.com/

Mapping Stories

November 2014: Shanghai Metro Flow

An animated visualization of Shanghai’s subway network. Consisting of three visualization scenes, with one morphing between geographical and schematic map views. Exhibited at the Shanghai Design, and the IEEE VIS Art Program in Paris.
By Till Nagel, and Benedikt Groß, http://tillnagel.com/2013/12/shanghai-metro-flow/

Shanghai Metro Flow

December 2014: Here Now Look See

Part of an exhibition to provide an opportunity for people in Alberta to have access to the climate data that indicates change in ‘their backyard.’ This visualization enables the audience to look at the climate data itself.
By Chris Clark, http://www.chrisann.ca/exhibition/

Here Now Look See